Jiangsu Huafilter Hydraulic Industry Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Huafilter Hydraulic Industry Co., Ltd.

Eksenel pistonli nasos

Huafilter mainly supplies Huade brand axial piston pump. The working principle and structural characteristics of Huade’s axial piston pump make it widely used in various industrial fields. Huade hydraulic has introduced Rexroth’s technology and its products can replace the same series produced by Rexroth.As the approved distributor of Huade Hydraulic, we recommend Huade's hydraulic bent-axis axial piston pump as a cost-effective alternative to Rexroth.

The working principle of the bevel axis axial piston pump is based on the inclination angle  between the transmission main shaft and the cylinder axis. When the prime mover drives the transmission main shaft of the pump to rotate, the power is transmitted to the plunger through the connecting rod, which in turn drives the cylinder to slide and rotate on the distribution plate with a waist-shaped window. Due to the angle between the main shaft and the cylinder axis, the reciprocating motion of the plunger in the cylinder causes the volume of the sealing chamber to change periodically, thereby realizing the process of oil suction and oil pressure.

Huade Hydraulic is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic products in China. The factory has more than 40 years of rich production experience. Its axial piston pumps are widely used in mobile equipment (excavators, cranes, etc.), construction machinery, agricultural equipment, and industrial hydraulic systems that require variable flow and pressure control, and are widely praised.

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Eksenel pistonli sobit nasos/motor A2F

Eksenel pistonli sobit nasos/motor A2F

Huafilter asosan Huade markali eksenel pistonli sobit nasos / A2F dvigatelini ta'minlaydi. Huade nasosi/motori A2F kichikroq o'lchamli va engilroq xususiyatlarga ega qurilish mashinalarida keng qo'llaniladi. Ishonchli ishlash va barqaror sifat ko'plab mijozlarning ishonchini qozondi. Huade Hydraulic kompaniyasining tasdiqlangan distribyutori sifatida biz o'z vaqtida texnik yordam va tejamkor eksenel pistonli sobit nasoslarni taqdim etamiz.
Eksenel pistonli sobit nasos A2FO

Eksenel pistonli sobit nasos A2FO

Huafilter bir necha yil davomida Xitoyda Huade markali eksenel pistonli sobit nasos A2FO eksporti bilan shug'ullanadi. Biz Huade Hydraulic kompaniyasining tasdiqlangan distribyutorimiz. Huade Hydraulic Rexroth bilan uzoq muddatli hamkorlik tufayli Rexroth texnologiyasini joriy qildi. Huade Xitoyda gidravlika sanoatida yetakchi ishlab chiqaruvchi hisoblanadi. Huade-ning A2FO nasosi Rexroth tomonidan taqdim etilgan bir xil turdagi nasosni almashtirishi mumkin.
Eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VLO

Eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VLO

Huafilter asosan Huade markali eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VLO ni ta'minlaydi. Huade Hydraulic kompaniyasining tasdiqlangan distribyutori sifatida biz o'z vaqtida texnik yordam bilan yaxshi sotuvdan keyingi xizmatni taqdim etamiz. Biz bir yil davomida sotgan mahsulot sifatiga kafolat beramiz. Huade tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VLO Rexrothdan bir xil seriyani almashtirishi mumkin, asosan uzoq muddatli hamkorlik tufayli.
Eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VO

Eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VO

Huafilter Huade Hydraulic kompaniyasining tasdiqlangan distribyutori bo'lib, Huade markali eksenel pistonli o'zgaruvchan nasos A11VO bilan ta'minlaydi. Huade Hydraulic Xitoyning gidravlika sanoatida yetakchi ishlab chiqaruvchi hisoblanadi. U gidravlik qismlarni ishlab chiqarishda ko'p yillik tajribaga ega va Rexroth kompaniyasining ilg'or texnologiyasini joriy qildi. A11VO nasosi bir xil seriyali Rexroth mahsulotlarini arzonroq narxga almashtirishi mumkin.
Xitoyda professional Eksenel pistonli nasos ishlab chiqaruvchi va yetkazib beruvchi sifatida zavod ulgurji mahsulotlarni taklif qilishda ishonchli. Agar siz arzon narxda yuqori sifatli va bardoshli Eksenel pistonli nasos xarid qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, veb-sahifada ko'rsatilgan aloqa ma'lumotlari orqali bizga xabar qoldiring.
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